Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Cultural Captivity: The Ecopsychology of Collective Trauma

Cultural Captivity: The Ecopsychology of Collective Trauma


•Aug 19, 2020






702 subscribers

An East West Psychology PhD Dissertation by Vaughan Wilkins

California Institute of Integral Studies

August 13th, 2020


This theoretical dissertation explores the impacts of the loss of ecological participation across animal species, including human animals. The field of ecopsychology and its applied branch, ecotherapy, focus on healing the relationship between people and the natural world brought on by this loss. However, due to myriad reasons the goals, focus, and effectiveness of these interventions have waned. In drawing from findings in the fields studying the collective symptoms of captive animals and modern trauma theory this dissertation seeks to refocus eco therapeutic efforts towards a unified approach to treating a collective and culturally transmitted form of developmental trauma - cultural captivity. By adopting trans-species psychology as a hermeneutic lens this dissertation traces the collective pathology first identified by ecopsychology across human and non-human animals to highlight and better understand the nature of the cultural captivity impacting ecological and psychological health in modern techno-industrial society. This dissertation provides new theoretical underpinnings for the development of ecotherapies that treat the cause of cultural captivity and lead towards collective liberation from this trauma.

50th minute: "i gotta be more careful with my magic"

amen to that .. listening to you made me realize that for all the righteous yet justified complaining i do about folks ignoring me or if not, failing to get the point, my effects are actually far far greater but alsofar worse than that, people take very poor aspects me and emulate Them instead of the conpensatory excellent ones that i would wish do not actually depend on them, even if and when i try realize that the steps and leaps, the barriers and abysses involved make it impossible to actually anywhere near close enough to call it companionship or even shared vicinity .. we are all comets given each other new directions at best. ... but boy, ... to base your worldview of such hi octane feefees is a little too head.. i mean hearty for even me. i hope you take the trouble in what way i try preserve purviews and methods and frankly, very good sides of the hardass right here: ... sigh ... never mind ... they don't allow comments .. disliked


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