Sunday, August 01, 2021

Kenny MacAskill MP: Role of the Lord Advocate in Scotland - 20 July 2021

Craig Murray:
Finally I urge you to consider this truly remarkable speech from Kenny MacAskill MP. Scotland’s former Justice Secretary, and consider its quite staggering implications. It tells you everything you want to know about the British Establishment’s capture of the Scottish government, that the mainstream media felt no need to report the main points he was making, which constitute a simply astonishing outline of corrupt abuse of power.

An explanation: this blog is going dark because I cannot by law publish from prison or conduct a business from prison. Access to this blog has always been free and open and subscriptions have always been a voluntary contribution and not a purchase. It is understood that all new and continuing subscriptions from today, until we go live again, are voluntary contributions to the welfare of my family and not in exchange for anything.



is this the evil that crept in place of a true follow up for space opened by good Scot efforts like ????

just a second ....

..... ... took over seer centre scotland website ... Cameron died 2 years ago ... i did not know yet

By spreading a thin rock dust layer over six acres of land in Scotland’s otherwise largely infertile foothills of the Grampian Mountains, the Thomsons mimicked the earth’s glacial processes that naturally fertilize soils. Their regenerated soils produced giant vegetables and huge biodiversity.

The fast growing popularity of the soil remineralizing with SEER Rockdust spread across the North Sea to Sweden. The development came about because the pioneering work of Cameron and Moira Thomson at the SEER Centre near Pitlochry was featured in Graham Harvey’s seminal book We Want Real Food. Ten years after forming their center, Swedish journalist Henrik Ennart visited Cameron and Moira. He was inspired by their farm and wrote an article in Sweden’s leading ‘Svenska Dagbladet’ newspaper, which helped lead to increased demand for rock dust solutions in the Scandinavian country.

SEER Centre Garden
As such, Angus Horticulture Ltd., which marketed organically-approved products on behalf of Rockdust Ltd. (the trading arm of the SEER Centre Trust), eventually despatched their product to Wiksunds Tradgard — a farm shop and place for courses and events just outside Stockholm, and the general agent in Sweden for rock dust. Lars Angstrom, a member of the Swedish Parliament, and his wife, Katharina, who ran Wiksund Tradgard, recognized that soil remineralization could improve the quality, taste and nutritional value of crops, as well as improve pests and drought resistance and reduce synthetic fertilizer runoff. Further, SEER’s rock dust was combating climate change by taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

    “Grinding out rocks and plowing them into this all sounds a bit daft – until you see the giant cabbages and cauliflowers which grow there with abandon.” ------- Auslan Cramb, The Scotsman, October 2, 1993
“magic dust: the minerals in the ground-up stones rejuvenate the microorganisms in the soil and they in turn provide increased plant nutrients and improved growth of plants.”
“Remarkably, a stone with surface area of one square foot will grind into rock flour or dust with a surface area of 8 acres.”

I am sure that no other photos have been reproduced more by Remineralize the Earth than the photos from the Seer Centre.

Highland Harvest - Scotland - Hands On
Land in the Scottish Highlands is usually regarded as being too poor for farming anything other than sheep. A trial project based at the Sustainable Ecological Earth Regeneration (SEER) Centre is demonstrating a technique using rock dust to bring fertility back to the soil - with dramatic results.

the Seer Centre follow up enterprise is: ... which leads here for instance:
Debbie Patskowski is a senior petrophysicist and freelance writer on Medium, covering such topics as geology, science, and space exploration --------- she writes about Glyn Mitchell growing hemp on the island of Jersey juts out of the English Channel just off the coast of Normandy, France. The people who live there don’t consider themselves part of the UK any more than they consider themselves part of France. ----- by contrast .. it's a haven for dirty banks


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